Author Archives: Raymond Chenault

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I want to run an idea past the group. I know the US Go Congress has just ended, but I want to run an idea related to our next Go tournament. Why don’t we have a limousine service pick us up and take us to the tournament? Arrive in style! I recently had the privilege to meet Mike Collins, the owner of Blacklick Limo Service, and I had a chance to look at some of his vehicles. I’ve never considered a limo outside of a wedding or prom setting before, but Mike offered to give me a discount that could make it more affordable. Mike’s limo website is Check it out and let me know what you think.

Here I’m posting a new game, but this one was played on KGS. Last week at the Columbus Go Club, I did not play a game, only watched. This week I played a great game with Jeff, but neglected to record it. I don’t recall game well enough to replay them from memory, so today’s game is probably lost forever. This game is a match I played on KGS. My opponent liked to cut instantly. I played OK in the upper left corner, but played poorly on the lower left corner and the upper right corner. As it was, I seemed to come away with a great deal of potential territory before my opponent’s time ran out. I would have loved to see what he might have come up with, but I believe the lag was the end of it. As the game stood I felt like I was ahead. […]

  I’m posting two games here today. The first one is a game played between Dylan and myself at the Columbus Go Club on Sunday the April, 17 2016. I won the right to choose color, so I chose white. Dylan played a blitz style game while I thought my moves out slowly. Dylan seemed to read better than I did in a number of places. I think he might have won if he played slower and looked for more options even if the first move he saw looked right. The game below was played between Dajiang and Jeff at the Go club on the same day. This one was a fun game to watch. Dajiang wanted to remind us of the Asian games section of the Asian festival coming up on May 28-29 at Franklin Park on Broad St. Some of the Go club members will be there as […]

This was an embarrassing game for me, and I almost didn’t post it, but take the good with the bad. All games have lessons in them. I missed an opportunity at H17, but I was still pleased with my game until I played move 94 at O3 instead of N5, even though. I was too cocky and thought I could get away with playing slow. I didn’t read the situation well at all and was relying on my walls instead of reading the situation out. To further my blundering I played move 104. There was no real reason to push in here. I was greedy to separate stones and again did not read this out very well at all. I later missed the reason behind my opponent’s move at R14 on move 155. This was the point where I wanted to resign but played on. To add to my dismay […]

This is a record of my first game on 4/3/16 at the Columbus Go club meeting. It is also, unfortunately the only one that I recorded. I am black in this game and I got horribly out matched right at the beginning. I let white, Jeff, have too much at the beginning of the game and felt obligated to attack after attack against a much stronger player. As you can see from the record, it didn’t last long. I kept letting myself get separated and didn’t take advantage of the one group I managed to isolate well enough. Feel free commenting on this game, and how I could have played better. On a positive note, I won my second game, and although I don’t have a game record I had a really exciting third match. This picture is the final result. The prisoners are not in the picture, but black won […]

This image and download represent my game with Pete this afternoon. Feel free to criticize it. Although I resigned after move 100, there is still a fight if I had played at R8. My biggest mistake in this game was to aggressively fight a stronger player. I might have done better if I had not started the fight at move 5. It was also unreasonable to continue fighting at the bottom of the board with three weak groups. I should have cut my losses and moved on.